Monday, June 16, 2014

Lovely House

Whew, what a weekend!

Here in Manitoba we have a tradition called socials. It originated with the Ukranian immigrants as way to support an engaged couple by raising funds for their wedding. Usually the wedding party and family host it, although lately the bride and groom are becoming heavily involved as well. It generally involves raffle prizes, alcohol and dancing. It's almost always hosted on a Saturday night from 9pm-1am.

Big C and I got engaged in September of 2011 and had our social a year later in October 2012. It would have been sooner as we wanted a short engagement but Big C's sister was also engaged and was adamant that they have their wedding festivities first. Rather than cause a fuss or rush our engagement further, we chose to prolong it. In the end it was fine, as we were able to save more money to have a big party, which is was Big C wanted.

Our social was held in our local rink, and our families and wedding party did a fantastic job! We had many auction prizes, tons of drinks and a live band. We made quite a bit of money which helped us a lot with our wedding.

My sister (and maid of honour) and I posing before my social. Thunder buddies for life!

Big C and I dancing our first dance at our social at the beginning of the night to kick off the party. It was a 'casual affair' but I chose to dress up as much as I could with sequins!

This past weekend it was my little sister's wedding social! It was held in her fiance's hometown, not far from mine. The whole Saturday was so busy, as her shower was held that afternoon and then my parents hosted a picnic-style supper for 40 people consisting of sandwiches, cheese, salads and for dessert...cookies in pails! Afterward Big C and I rushed home to change and drop off Little C with the babysitters (Big C's mom and step-dad), then drove to the hall. We had every intention of volunteering our time to help out, but each offer with shot down with a friend saying 'go have fun!' So that's exactly what we did!

 Big C and I, getting our fun on.

Me and my sister...She's making a beautiful bride-to-be!

It was a fantastic night full of friends and family, and we finally tiptoed into our house at 3am.

On Sunday morning we woke up late, around 9:30am, which shocked me. Little C was still sleeping so I made coffee and visited with my mother-in-law. When he woke, I fed him and then made a simple brunch for the family of bacon and fried eggs.

After the in-laws left, I proceeded to bake a chocolate cake (which later my dad was shocked to learn meant 'from scratch') and around 4:30 we left to go to my parents' home for Sunday supper. This was an extra special supper because we had friends from Fargo who came up for the shower and social, and it was Father's Day!

We arrived home after a long weekend around quarter after 11pm, put the baby to bed, and proceeded to get ourselves ready for bed to prepare for another week! 

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