Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Monday Musings

On Saturday Big C and I spent the morning relaxing indoors with Little C in our air conditioned house. We dressed for the day, tidied the house then packed our car and drove to the next town over for Big C's Grandpa's (we'll call him GB) 80th birthday party.

It was a backyard affair, with 2 tents erected for shade so all of GB's friends and family could visit as pleasantly as possible in the searing heat (+38 C with the humidity). I enjoyed visiting with my sister-in-law, and watching the little cousins play with the sprinkler and the slip n slide. Little C got passed around so often, that besides feeding him indoors and glancing around once in a while to see where he was, I never saw him! Babies have that effect on people ;)

On Sunday, again we relaxed in the morning.The heat wasn't too bad, or at least not as bad as Saturday. We are a bunch that is used to cold weather 6 months out of the year, so when it changes dramatically for the other 6 months, we're not used to it! People talk about the weather here a lot, because it is certainly not constant. Heck, in one day it can go from snow to rain to sunny skies and bathing suits (mostly in the springtime this happens, and I'm not exaggerating). So it is a wonderful ice breaker, because there's so much to talk about!

On Sunday afternoon I packed up Little C and I in the car and we drove to the Manitoba Agricultural Museum (MAM) to help out my mom and sister gather vintage clothes to prepare for the fashion show that they put on during the Threshermen's Reunion. Big C was helping my dad work on the 110 Case steam engine that they run during the Reunion. I used to help operate it as well, before I had Little C. Now I'm not sure when I'll go back to it, as I don't want the baby around all the wood/coal smoke and hot boilers. Maybe once Little C is not dependent on me for food someone else can look after him while I have some fun on the 110. But until then I am trying to find my niche in the Ladies Building.

Big C and I in front of the 110.

Sunday was a special day, as it was my parents' 40th wedding anniversary! My sister and I walked with my mom to the little chapel where our parents were married, she walked down the aisle and reminisced about her wedding day.  We ate supper in the open shed beside the steam engines and my parents talked about their wedding, which was the first one to take place on the museum grounds.

All in all, it was a lovely weekend!

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